Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Porsche open our newest virtual showroom (VIDEO)

Now that new Porsche Macan was released, the Germans continue to maintain the public's interest toward this model, and now invites us to take a look at the Assembly process at the factory in Liepzig.

More Porsche aims to take a step to meet prospective owners for Macan, through an online platform that enables its clients to communicate anytime with its dealer.  Porsche AG guarantees a pleasant interface, accessible on any Web-enabled device.  Using the application "Augmented Reality App," Macan will be able to model buffs know closely the new model before it to be displayed in showrooms in Europe, an event scheduled for March of 2014.

By accessing the dedicated microsite Porsche Macan, interested parties will be kept up to date with all the latest information about their favorite model, but due to synchronization with social networks, the platform will be able to select the type of news that correspond to the user's requirements exactly.

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