Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Audi will launch on the market another 11 new models!

The declaration belongs to Rupert Stadler, CEO of the German company.  The Chief Executive has not listed which will be exactly these, but noted that the number of models in the Audi range will increase from 49 to 60.

Rupert is very confident in the potential of the company which holds a significant share in the segment of SUVs and luxury limousines.  As regards vehicle segment with a capacity increased tolls, it is known that Audi will launch in 2016 new Q1, and it could be accompanied by models as Q2, Q4, Q6 and even Q8!

At the same time, the marketing department takes into account a possible version with increased wheelbase A9 coupe bodywork, or, an Allroad sedan! During the year 2013, Audi has sold over 1. 5 million cars globally!

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