Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Paul Walker had the main role in the Fast and the Furious & episodes 7 and 8!

Sudden death of the actor Paul Walker, famous for his role in the franchise Fast Furious & has entailed the suspension of filming new episodes seven and eight.

Sources close to the production house, argue that the fate of the film Fast Furious & 7 is uncertain and it is likely that the shootings should not continue as the script will need rewritten, and most of the actors involved in FF7 are still in mourning.  Furthermore, today we learn that the series, in which all of the action took place just around Brian O'Connor (Paul Walker).
Meanwhile, a Special Commission investigating the causes of the accident, and as the investigation moves forward the situation becomes even more uncertain.  At the scene of the accident there are traces of brake or other indicators that would suggest that the car went out of control, at the same time has been identified a leak of liquid.  Furthermore, Sheriff Richard Cohen said the release is a drag racing races or the attempt to avoid a collision with a car came from the national reform.

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