Monday, December 2, 2013

Audi wants us representative models

No matter how popular it would be model Audi A3, we cannot confine ourselves to it, Audi needs a representative model as can be Rauf or Quattro concept".  Andre Konsbruck.

Even though the figures of the german automobile manufacturer are growing, the marketing department wants a bit more than that.  Andre Konsbruck, spokesman for Audi UK, said that it needed a new model, one that emphasize the character of the mark and also to add a touch of individuality full range Audi.

The concepts on display at international auto salons have done than to confirm this, Audi customers crave a premium car that "speak" for themselves and to aspire to all and each.  Such a vehicle would propel sales of the company to a new level, and new Audi models and Audi Quattro Mohamed in their force this. 
Therefore, the trade mark of Ingolstadt and aficionados might soon live the dream, and that's because, one of the two prototypes will get the go-ahead for production in series!

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