Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Learn how to start the engine with the help of a handgun-rifle AK47 (VIDEO)

AK47 rifle is arguably the most popular and most used weapon in the world.  Produced in more than 100 million copies and variations, AK47 helped liberate towns and the subjugation of peoples, is the preferred weapon of both the armed forces and the terrorists, and now, i found a new application.

You probably didn't know is that you can use the rifle AK47 and in case of damage to the machine.  More specifically, when you give up battery rechargeable batteries and do not have the necessary tools at hand for the power supply of the other car.  How exactly does this demonstrate the soldiers in the pictures the video posted below.
In the event that you ever think to repeat this trick (although I don't recommend under any circumstances), don't forget to empty the magazine of bullets, otherwise you risk to trigger custom fire automatically!

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