Monday, December 2, 2013

In the backstage security tests. Here's what stages pass one car until the moment of impact with the wall! (VIDEO)

The Insurance Institute for highway safety (IIHS), invites us inside a crash test to better understand the processes that take place behind the cameras.

You understand well, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, tapping the car handles and grant them a note regarding their safety in case of an accident.
 Pretty much the same, with small differences, makes and Europeans from EuroNCAP.  Today, Americans will show us IIHS through what stages will pass a car until the moment of impact.
 Few would have imagined how many hours I spend at work specialists of the Institute until this car IIHS to be destroyed in no time at all.  For subsequent collection of data, special devices are installed, are settled accurately, seats are mounted high speed cameras, drain gasoline and all liquids that could cause a fire, being replaced by then with each other to simulate natural conditions.

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